Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Combining strengths
Integrated Report
As a partner for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ is committed to a livable future worldwide - in an environment that is constantly in transition. The 2021 Integrated Annual Report is titled "Values + Vision." It concludes a three-year reporting series that shows how GIZ combines its strengths to advance sustainable development and improve the lives of so many people.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
Integrated Annual Report 2021
Reporting, digital, design
Conceptual and graphic design
Consulting (including Integrated Reporting)
Project management
Design and layout
Online report
Consulting on production, processing, and finishing
Values + Vision: To meet constant change, uncertainty, and fragility, a strong value foundation is necessary. It takes vision to think beyond current crisis situations and develop forward-looking solutions. The Integrated Annual Report highlights the strategic issues that were the focus of the 2021 fiscal year, provides insights into GIZ's project work, and presents key business figures. It also explains what GIZ is doing with respect to its corporate sustainability.
Great design, emotional storytelling, animations, moving images, interactive elements: the online report impresses on many levels. In parallel, the print report provides a compact overview of the main topics. Compared to the online report, the scope is reduced but presented just as convincingly and with high-quality processing.
Say Hello.
Kerstin Walther-Fellinghauer
Creative Director
+49 40 609 186 38
Thorbjörn Stäcker
+49 40 609 186 42
Fazilet Polat
Senior Consultant Online
+49 40 609 186 30