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Success Factor Sustainability.

Financial crisis, climate crisis, globalisation, demographic change – those who want to be convincing entrepreneurs in an increasingly complex world must show responsibility. Sustainable action runs through all corporate divisions and along all stages of the value chain. And only after all of this comes the of sustainability communication. As soon as sustainability is part of the business model and communication, it becomes credible. We would like to accompany you on this path.

Illustration: Kirchhoff: Two leaves shine
Illustration: Kirchhoff: 2 birds flying over a rainbow

Communicate Responsibility.

  • Advice on statutory regulation, such as CSRD and EU taxonomy, SFRD, LkSG.
  • Advice on sustainability standards and frameworks: ESRS, GRI, SASB, DNK, TCFD, SDGs, UNGC, etc.
  • Materiality assessment (impact materiality according to GRI / double materiality according to CSRD)
  • ESG strategy development and integration into corporate strategy
  • Operationalization with definition of goals, actions and KPIs
  • Stocktaking, Gap and SWOT analyses
  • Workshops and trainings for experts/executives
  • Consulting and support for ESG ratings, including EcoVadis (training partner), Fitch, ISS, MSCI, S&P Global, scope, sustainalytics
  • Consulting on Sustainable Finance
  • Organisation of sustainability
  • Risk analysis of supply chains on sustainability aspects
  • Code of Conduct for business partners
  • Preparation of policies
  • Advice on due diligence in the field of human rights
  • Conception and monitoring of publicly funded business partnerships
  • Establishment/expansion of reporting and indicator systems
  • Sustainability reports, integrated reporting and NFE according to CSR-RUG
  • Stakeholder surveys and dialogue moderation
  • Communication concepts and campaigns for stakeholders
  • Green Finance Reports
Icon: Kirchhoff: Arrow stuck in the middle of a target


Track Record.

200+ESG/Sustainability Projects
100+Sustainability Reports/NFR

“In times of new CSR reporting requirements and tailwind for the topic of Sustainable Finance, I really appreciated the straightforward exchange and sound sparring in the reporting process!”

— Julius Hansen, Group Communications, TALANX AG

Say Hello.

Photo: Vincent Furnari
Vincent Furnari

Managing Partner
+49 40 609 186 58

Photo: Claudia Herzog-Kamensky
Claudia Herzog-Kamensky

Executive Director, Head of ESG
+49 40 609 186 33